Thursday, May 8, 2014

KC Style Oven-Baked Ribs

Summer is soooo close, but it's still supposed to freeze this weekend.  I spotted a nice rack (of pork ribs...) at Trader Joe's this week so I snagged them, hoping to fire up the grill this week.  With near freezing temps and an epic thunderstorm yesterday evening, grilling wasn't an option.  I dug up an old oven recipe and the three ingredients proved magical as always: A lemon, my favorite rub, and my favorite BBQ sauce.  Low and slow in the oven and you have fall-off-the-bone pork, baby back ribs.  It was a picnic at our kitchen table last night while listening to the rain...not too shabby.


-1 rack of pork baby back ribs
-1 lemon
-favorite pork rub
-favorite BBQ sauce

So first, I should start with my favorite rub and sauce, both KC-born companies.  I grew up in Kansas City and Lord know it's the best spot for BBQ. My favorite pork spice rub is from Zadie''s Cajun BBQ Blend.  My favorite BBQ Sauce is from Original Juan, also from KC.  My bottle was private-labeled for gifts with my father, uncles', and cousin's face on the label. You can find a variety of sauces on the Original Juan's website.

First, you must do this: remove the membrane from the underneath of the ribs. I didn't know I needed to do this until I was with a grillin' pro! How did I not know this? This helps the seasonings penetrate the meat and won't leave a leathery skin on the cooked ribs. Use a knife to start the process and just rip the rest off using your hands. Preheat your oven to 300 degrees.

Next squeeze half of a lemon on one side, season with salt, pepper, and your spice rub.  Rub into the meat, flip and repeat. Line a sturdy baking sheet with foil and place the ribs meat-side down. Cover with foil completely and bake for 3 hours at 300 degrees.

After 3 hours, remove from the oven and open the foil.  Brush both sides with BBQ sauce (as much as you want, really...we go for less and add more at the table). Put back in the oven for 15-20 minutes uncovered and meat-side up. You can also broil for a minute or two to brown the meat a bit more.

Serve hot with extra BBQ sauce on the side.  They should literally fall off the bone! 


  1. Looks delicious and so easy! Yum!

  2. It really was! Thanks for the comment, let me know if you try the recipe!

  3. Those look yummy! I think I can successfully do those.

  4. I made this for dinner tonight it was sooo delish… i loveee your site… thanks

  5. This looks so yummy! Can’t wait to try it! I’m cooking the next 2 weeks dinner using all your recipes!

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